Celery 1.0.6 (stable) documentation

This Page

External tutorials and resources

Introduction to Celery

Awesome slides from when Idan Gazit had a talk about Celery at PyWeb-IL: http://www.slideshare.net/idangazit/an-introduction-to-celery

RabbitMQ, Celery and Django

Great Celery tutorial by Robert Pogorzelski at his blog “Happy Stream of Thoughts”: http://robertpogorzelski.com/blog/2009/09/10/rabbitmq-celery-and-django/

Message Queues, Django and Celery Quick Start

Celery tutorial by Rich Leland, the installation section is Mac OS X specific: http://mathematism.com/2010/feb/16/message-queues-django-and-celery-quick-start/

Background task processing and deferred execution in Django

Alon Swartz writes about celery and RabbitMQ on his blog:

Build a processing queue [...] in less than a day using RabbitMQ and Celery

Tutorial in 2 parts written by Tim Bull: http://timbull.com/build-a-processing-queue-with-multi-threading

How to get celeryd to work on FreeBSD

Installing multiprocessing on FreeBSD isn’t that easy, but thanks to Viktor Petersson we now have a step-to-step guide: http://www.playingwithwire.com/2009/10/how-to-get-celeryd-to-work-on-freebsd/

Web-based 3D animation software

Indy Chang Liu at ThinkingCactus uses Celery to render animations asynchronously (PDF): http://ojs.pythonpapers.org/index.php/tppm/article/viewFile/105/122