This document describes the current stable version of Kombu (4.0). For development docs, go here.

Source code for vine.five

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Python 2/3 compatibility.

Compatibility implementations of features
only available in newer Python versions.
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

import errno
import io
import sys

    from collections import Counter
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from collections import defaultdict

    def Counter():  # noqa
        """Create counter."""
        return defaultdict(int)

    buffer_t = buffer
except NameError:  # pragma: no cover
    # Py3 does not have buffer, only use this for isa checks.

    class buffer_t(object):  # noqa
        """Python 3 does not have a buffer type."""

bytes_t = bytes

__all__ = [
    'Counter', 'reload', 'UserList', 'UserDict',
    'Queue', 'Empty', 'Full', 'LifoQueue', 'builtins', 'array',
    'zip_longest', 'map', 'zip', 'string', 'string_t', 'bytes_t',
    'bytes_if_py2', 'long_t', 'text_t', 'int_types', 'module_name_t',
    'range', 'items', 'keys', 'values', 'nextfun', 'reraise',
    'WhateverIO', 'with_metaclass', 'StringIO', 'getfullargspec',
    'THREAD_TIMEOUT_MAX', 'format_d', 'monotonic', 'buffer_t',

#  ############# py3k ########################################################
PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3
PY2 = sys.version_info[0] < 3

    reload = reload                         # noqa
except NameError:                           # pragma: no cover
    from imp import reload                  # noqa

    from collections import UserList        # noqa
except ImportError:                         # pragma: no cover
    from UserList import UserList           # noqa

    from collections import UserDict        # noqa
except ImportError:                         # pragma: no cover
    from UserDict import UserDict           # noqa

#  ############# time.monotonic #############################################

if sys.version_info < (3, 3):

    import platform
    SYSTEM = platform.system()

        import ctypes
    except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
        ctypes = None  # noqa

    if SYSTEM == 'Darwin' and ctypes is not None:
        from ctypes.util import find_library
        libSystem = ctypes.CDLL(find_library('libSystem.dylib'))
        CoreServices = ctypes.CDLL(find_library('CoreServices'),
        mach_absolute_time = libSystem.mach_absolute_time
        mach_absolute_time.restype = ctypes.c_uint64
        absolute_to_nanoseconds = CoreServices.AbsoluteToNanoseconds
        absolute_to_nanoseconds.restype = ctypes.c_uint64
        absolute_to_nanoseconds.argtypes = [ctypes.c_uint64]

        def _monotonic():
            return absolute_to_nanoseconds(mach_absolute_time()) * 1e-9

    elif SYSTEM == 'Linux' and ctypes is not None:
        # from stackoverflow:
        # questions/1205722/how-do-i-get-monotonic-time-durations-in-python
        import os

        CLOCK_MONOTONIC = 1  # see <linux/time.h>

        class timespec(ctypes.Structure):
            _fields_ = [
                ('tv_sec', ctypes.c_long),
                ('tv_nsec', ctypes.c_long),

            librt = ctypes.CDLL('', use_errno=True)
        except Exception:
                librt = ctypes.CDLL('', use_errno=True)
            except Exception as exc:
                error = OSError(
                    "Could not detect working librt library: {0}".format(
                error.errno = errno.ENOENT
                raise error
        clock_gettime = librt.clock_gettime
        clock_gettime.argtypes = [
            ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(timespec),

        def _monotonic():  # noqa
            t = timespec()
            if clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ctypes.pointer(t)) != 0:
                errno_ = ctypes.get_errno()
                raise OSError(errno_, os.strerror(errno_))
            return t.tv_sec + t.tv_nsec * 1e-9
        from time import time as _monotonic
    from time import monotonic
except ImportError:
    monotonic = _monotonic  # noqa

# ############# Py3 <-> Py2 #################################################

if PY3:  # pragma: no cover
    import builtins

    from array import array
    from queue import Queue, Empty, Full, LifoQueue
    from itertools import zip_longest

    map = map
    zip = zip
    string = str
    string_t = str
    long_t = int
    text_t = str
    range = range
    int_types = (int,)
    module_name_t = str

    def bytes_if_py2(s):
        """Convert str to bytes if running under Python 2."""
        return s

    def items(d):
        """Get dict items iterator."""
        return d.items()

    def keys(d):
        """Get dict keys iterator."""
        return d.keys()

    def values(d):
        """Get dict values iterator."""
        return d.values()

    def nextfun(it):
        """Get iterator next method."""
        return it.__next__

    exec_ = getattr(builtins, 'exec')

[docs] def reraise(tp, value, tb=None): """Reraise exception.""" if value.__traceback__ is not tb: raise value.with_traceback(tb) raise value
else: import __builtin__ as builtins # noqa from array import array as _array from Queue import Queue, Empty, Full, LifoQueue # noqa from itertools import ( # noqa imap as map, izip as zip, izip_longest as zip_longest, ) string = unicode # noqa string_t = basestring # noqa text_t = unicode long_t = long # noqa range = xrange module_name_t = str int_types = (int, long)
[docs] def array(typecode, *args, **kwargs): """Create array.""" if isinstance(typecode, unicode): typecode = typecode.encode() return _array(typecode, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def bytes_if_py2(s): """Convert str to bytes if running under Python 2.""" if isinstance(s, unicode): return s.encode() return s
[docs] def items(d): # noqa """Return dict items iterator.""" return d.iteritems()
[docs] def keys(d): # noqa """Return dict key iterator.""" return d.iterkeys()
[docs] def values(d): # noqa """Return dict values iterator.""" return d.itervalues()
[docs] def nextfun(it): # noqa """Return iterator next method.""" return
def exec_(code, globs=None, locs=None): # pragma: no cover """Execute code in a namespace.""" if globs is None: frame = sys._getframe(1) globs = frame.f_globals if locs is None: locs = frame.f_locals del frame elif locs is None: locs = globs exec("""exec code in globs, locs""") exec_("""def reraise(tp, value, tb=None): raise tp, value, tb""")
[docs]def with_metaclass(Type, skip_attrs={'__dict__', '__weakref__'}): """Class decorator to set metaclass. Works with both Python 2 and Python 3 and it does not add an extra class in the lookup order like ``six.with_metaclass`` does (that is -- it copies the original class instead of using inheritance). """ def _clone_with_metaclass(Class): attrs = {key: value for key, value in items(vars(Class)) if key not in skip_attrs} return Type(Class.__name__, Class.__bases__, attrs) return _clone_with_metaclass
# ############# threading.TIMEOUT_MAX ######################################## try: from threading import TIMEOUT_MAX as THREAD_TIMEOUT_MAX except ImportError: THREAD_TIMEOUT_MAX = 1e10 # noqa # ############# format(int, ',d') ############################################ if sys.version_info >= (2, 7): # pragma: no cover def format_d(i): """Format number.""" return format(i, ',d') else: # pragma: no cover
[docs] def format_d(i): # noqa """Format number.""" s = '%d' % i groups = [] while s and s[-1].isdigit(): groups.append(s[-3:]) s = s[:-3] return s + ','.join(reversed(groups))
StringIO = io.StringIO _SIO_write = StringIO.write _SIO_init = StringIO.__init__
[docs]class WhateverIO(StringIO): """StringIO that takes bytes or str.""" def __init__(self, v=None, *a, **kw): _SIO_init(self, v.decode() if isinstance(v, bytes) else v, *a, **kw)
[docs] def write(self, data): _SIO_write(self, data.decode() if isinstance(data, bytes) else data)
[docs]def python_2_unicode_compatible(cls): """Class decorator to ensure class is compatible with Python 2.""" return python_2_non_unicode_str(python_2_non_unicode_repr(cls))
def python_2_non_unicode_repr(cls): """Ensure cls.__repr__ returns unicode. A class decorator that ensures ``__repr__`` returns non-unicode when running under Python 2. """ if PY2: try: cls.__dict__['__repr__'] except KeyError: pass else: def __repr__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.__unicode_repr__(*args, **kwargs).encode( 'utf-8', 'replace') cls.__unicode_repr__, cls.__repr__ = cls.__repr__, __repr__ return cls def python_2_non_unicode_str(cls): """Python 2 class string compatibility. A class decorator that defines ``__unicode__`` and ``__str__`` methods under Python 2. Under Python 3 it does nothing. To support Python 2 and 3 with a single code base, define a ``__str__`` method returning text and apply this decorator to the class. """ if PY2: try: cls.__dict__['__str__'] except KeyError: pass else: def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.__unicode__(*args, **kwargs).encode( 'utf-8', 'replace') cls.__unicode__, cls.__str__ = cls.__str__, __str__ return cls try: # pragma: no cover from inspect import formatargspec, getfullargspec except ImportError: # Py2 from collections import namedtuple from inspect import formatargspec, getargspec as _getargspec # noqa FullArgSpec = namedtuple('FullArgSpec', ( 'args', 'varargs', 'varkw', 'defaults', 'kwonlyargs', 'kwonlydefaults', 'annotations', ))
[docs] def getfullargspec(fun, _fill=(None, ) * 3): # noqa """For compatibility with Python 3.""" s = _getargspec(fun) return FullArgSpec(*s + _fill)