This document is for Kombu's development version, which can be significantly different from previous releases. Get the stable docs here: 4.1.

Source code for kombu.asynchronous.http.base

"""Base async HTTP client implementation."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

import sys

from vine import Thenable, promise, maybe_promise

from kombu.exceptions import HttpError
from kombu.five import items, python_2_unicode_compatible
from kombu.utils.compat import coro
from kombu.utils.encoding import bytes_to_str
from kombu.utils.functional import maybe_list, memoize

try:  # pragma: no cover
    from http.client import responses
except ImportError:
    from httplib import responses  # noqa

__all__ = ['Headers', 'Response', 'Request']

PYPY = hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info')

def normalize_header(key):
    return '-'.join(p.capitalize() for p in key.split('-'))

[docs]class Headers(dict): """Represents a mapping of HTTP headers.""" # TODO: This is just a regular dict and will not perform normalization # when looking up keys etc. #: Set when all of the headers have been read. complete = False #: Internal attribute used to keep track of continuation lines. _prev_key = None
[docs]@Thenable.register @python_2_unicode_compatible class Request(object): """A HTTP Request. Arguments: url (str): The URL to request. method (str): The HTTP method to use (defaults to ``GET``). Keyword Arguments: headers (Dict, ~kombu.asynchronous.http.Headers): Optional headers for this request body (str): Optional body for this request. connect_timeout (float): Connection timeout in float seconds Default is 30.0. timeout (float): Time in float seconds before the request times out Default is 30.0. follow_redirects (bool): Specify if the client should follow redirects Enabled by default. max_redirects (int): Maximum number of redirects (default 6). use_gzip (bool): Allow the server to use gzip compression. Enabled by default. validate_cert (bool): Set to true if the server certificate should be verified when performing ``https://`` requests. Enabled by default. auth_username (str): Username for HTTP authentication. auth_password (str): Password for HTTP authentication. auth_mode (str): Type of HTTP authentication (``basic`` or ``digest``). user_agent (str): Custom user agent for this request. network_interace (str): Network interface to use for this request. on_ready (Callable): Callback to be called when the response has been received. Must accept single ``response`` argument. on_stream (Callable): Optional callback to be called every time body content has been read from the socket. If specified then the response body and buffer attributes will not be available. on_timeout (callable): Optional callback to be called if the request times out. on_header (Callable): Optional callback to be called for every header line received from the server. The signature is ``(headers, line)`` and note that if you want ``response.headers`` to be populated then your callback needs to also call ``client.on_header(headers, line)``. on_prepare (Callable): Optional callback that is implementation specific (e.g. curl client will pass the ``curl`` instance to this callback). proxy_host (str): Optional proxy host. Note that a ``proxy_port`` must also be provided or a :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. proxy_username (str): Optional username to use when logging in to the proxy. proxy_password (str): Optional password to use when authenticating with the proxy server. ca_certs (str): Custom CA certificates file to use. client_key (str): Optional filename for client SSL key. client_cert (str): Optional filename for client SSL certificate. """ body = user_agent = network_interface = \ auth_username = auth_password = auth_mode = \ proxy_host = proxy_port = proxy_username = proxy_password = \ ca_certs = client_key = client_cert = None connect_timeout = 30.0 request_timeout = 30.0 follow_redirects = True max_redirects = 6 use_gzip = True validate_cert = True if not PYPY: # pragma: no cover __slots__ = ('url', 'method', 'on_ready', 'on_timeout', 'on_stream', 'on_prepare', 'on_header', 'headers', '__weakref__', '__dict__') def __init__(self, url, method='GET', on_ready=None, on_timeout=None, on_stream=None, on_prepare=None, on_header=None, headers=None, **kwargs): self.url = url self.method = method or self.method self.on_ready = maybe_promise(on_ready) or promise() self.on_timeout = maybe_promise(on_timeout) self.on_stream = maybe_promise(on_stream) self.on_prepare = maybe_promise(on_prepare) self.on_header = maybe_promise(on_header) if kwargs: for k, v in items(kwargs): setattr(self, k, v) if not isinstance(headers, Headers): headers = Headers(headers or {}) self.headers = headers
[docs] def then(self, callback, errback=None): self.on_ready.then(callback, errback)
def __repr__(self): return '<Request: {0.method} {0.url} {0.body}>'.format(self)
[docs]class Response(object): """HTTP Response. Arguments: request (~kombu.asynchronous.http.Request): See :attr:`request`. code (int): See :attr:`code`. headers (~kombu.asynchronous.http.Headers): See :attr:`headers`. buffer (bytes): See :attr:`buffer` effective_url (str): See :attr:`effective_url`. status (str): See :attr:`status`. Attributes: request (~kombu.asynchronous.http.Request): object used to get this response. code (int): HTTP response code (e.g. 200, 404, or 500). headers (~kombu.asynchronous.http.Headers): HTTP headers for this response. buffer (bytes): Socket read buffer. effective_url (str): The destination url for this request after following redirects. error (Exception): Error instance if the request resulted in a HTTP error code. status (str): Human equivalent of :attr:`code`, e.g. ``OK``, `Not found`, or 'Internal Server Error'. """ if not PYPY: # pragma: no cover __slots__ = ('request', 'code', 'headers', 'buffer', 'effective_url', 'error', 'status', '_body', '__weakref__') def __init__(self, request, code, headers=None, buffer=None, effective_url=None, error=None, status=None): self.request = request self.code = code self.headers = headers if headers is not None else Headers() self.buffer = buffer self.effective_url = effective_url or request.url self._body = None self.status = status or responses.get(self.code, 'Unknown') self.error = error if self.error is None and (self.code < 200 or self.code > 299): self.error = HttpError(self.code, self.status, self)
[docs] def raise_for_error(self): """Raise if the request resulted in an HTTP error code. Raises: :class:`~kombu.exceptions.HttpError` """ if self.error: raise self.error
@property def body(self): """The full contents of the response body. Note: Accessing this propery will evaluate the buffer and subsequent accesses will be cached. """ if self._body is None: if self.buffer is not None: self._body = self.buffer.getvalue() return self._body # these are for compatibility with Requests @property def status_code(self): return self.code @property def content(self): return self.body
@coro def header_parser(keyt=normalize_header): while 1: (line, headers) = yield if line.startswith('HTTP/'): continue elif not line: headers.complete = True continue elif line[0].isspace(): pkey = headers._prev_key headers[pkey] = ' '.join([headers.get(pkey) or '', line.lstrip()]) else: key, value = line.split(':', 1) key = headers._prev_key = keyt(key) headers[key] = value.strip() class BaseClient(object): Headers = Headers Request = Request Response = Response def __init__(self, hub, **kwargs): self.hub = hub self._header_parser = header_parser() def perform(self, request, **kwargs): for req in maybe_list(request) or []: if not isinstance(req, self.Request): req = self.Request(req, **kwargs) self.add_request(req) def add_request(self, request): raise NotImplementedError('must implement add_request') def close(self): pass def on_header(self, headers, line): try: self._header_parser.send((bytes_to_str(line), headers)) except StopIteration: self._header_parser = header_parser() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *exc_info): self.close()