=============================== Django Models - celery.models =============================== .. data:: TASK_STATUS_PENDING The string status of a pending task. .. data:: TASK_STATUS_RETRY The string status of a task which is to be retried. .. data:: TASK_STATUS_FAILURE The string status of a failed task. .. data:: TASK_STATUS_DONE The string status of a task that was successfully executed. .. data:: TASK_STATUSES List of possible task statuses. .. data:: TASK_STATUSES_CHOICES Django choice tuple of possible task statuses, for usage in model/form fields ``choices`` argument. .. class:: TaskMeta Model for storing the result and status of a task. *Note* Only used if you're running the ``database`` backend. .. attribute:: task_id The unique task id. .. attribute:: status The current status for this task. .. attribute:: result The result after successful/failed execution. If the task failed, this contains the execption it raised. .. attribute:: date_done The date this task changed status. .. class:: PeriodicTaskMeta Metadata model for periodic tasks. .. attribute:: name The name of this task, as registered in the task registry. .. attribute:: last_run_at The date this periodic task was last run. Used to find out when it should be run next. .. attribute:: total_run_count The number of times this periodic task has been run. .. attribute:: task The class/function for this task. .. method:: delay() Delay the execution of a periodic task, and increment its total run count.