Executing Tasks


Executing tasks is done with apply_async(), and its shortcut: delay().

delay is simple and convenient, as it looks like calling a regular function:

Task.delay(arg1, arg2, kwarg1="x", kwarg2="y")

The same thing using apply_async is written like this:

Task.apply_async(args=[arg1, arg2], kwargs={"kwarg1": "x", "kwarg2": "y"})

You can also execute a task by name using send_task(), if you don’t have access to the task’s class:

>>> from celery.execute import send_task
>>> result = send_task("tasks.add", [2, 2])
>>> result.get()

While delay is convenient, it doesn’t give you as much control as using apply_async. With apply_async you can override the execution options available as attributes on the Task class: routing_key, exchange, immediate, mandatory, priority, and serializer. In addition you can set a countdown/eta, or provide a custom broker connection.

Let’s go over these in more detail. The following examples use this simple task, which adds together two numbers:

def add(x, y):
    return x + y

ETA and countdown

The ETA (estimated time of arrival) lets you set a specific date and time that is the earliest time at which your task will execute. countdown is a shortcut to set this by seconds in the future.

>>> result = add.apply_async(args=[10, 10], countdown=3)
>>> result.get()    # this takes at least 3 seconds to return

Note that your task is guaranteed to be executed at some time after the specified date and time has passed, but not necessarily at that exact time.

While countdown is an integer, eta must be a datetime object, specifying an exact date and time in the future. This is good if you already have a datetime` object and need to modify it with a timedelta, or when using time in seconds is not very readable.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def quickban(username):
    """Ban user for 24 hours."""
    tomorrow = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1)
    UnbanTask.apply_async(args=[username], eta=tomorrow)


Data passed between celery and workers has to be serialized to be transferred. The default serializer is pickle, but you can change this for each task. There is built-in support for using pickle, JSON and YAML, and you can add your own custom serializers by registering them into the carrot serializer registry.

The default serializer (pickle) supports Python objects, like datetime and any custom datatypes you define yourself. But since pickle has poor support outside of the Python language, you need to choose another serializer if you need to communicate with other languages. In that case, JSON is a very popular choice.

The serialization method is sent with the message, so the worker knows how to deserialize any task. Of course, if you use a custom serializer, this must also be registered in the worker.

When sending a task the serialization method is taken from the following places in order: The serializer argument to apply_async, the Task’s serializer attribute, and finally the global default CELERY_SERIALIZER configuration directive.

>>> add.apply_async(args=[10, 10], serializer="json")

Connections and connection timeouts.

Currently there is no support for broker connection pools in celery, so this is something you need to be aware of when sending more than one task at a time, as apply_async/delay establishes and closes a connection every time.

If you need to send more than one task at the same time, it’s a good idea to establish the connection yourself and pass it to apply_async:

numbers = [(2, 2), (4, 4), (8, 8), (16, 16)]

results = []
publisher = add.get_publisher()
    for args in numbers:
        res = add.apply_async(args=args, publisher=publisher)

print([res.get() for res in results])

The connection timeout is the number of seconds to wait before we give up establishing the connection. You can set this with the connect_timeout argument to apply_async:

add.apply_async([10, 10], connect_timeout=3)

Or if you handle the connection manually:

publisher = add.get_publisher(connect_timeout=3)

Routing options

Celery uses the AMQP routing mechanisms to route tasks to different workers. You can route tasks using the following entities: exchange, queue and routing key.

Messages (tasks) are sent to exchanges, a queue binds to an exchange with a routing key. Let’s look at an example:

Our application has a lot of tasks, some process video, others process images, and some gather collective intelligence about users. Some of these have higher priority than others so we want to make sure the high priority tasks get sent to powerful machines, while low priority tasks are sent to dedicated machines that can handle these at their own pace.

For the sake of example we have only one exchange called tasks. There are different types of exchanges that matches the routing key in different ways, the exchange types are:

  • direct

    Matches the routing key exactly.

  • topic

    In the topic exchange the routing key is made up of words separated by dots (.). Words can be matched by the wild cards * and #, where * matches one exact word, and # matches one or many.

    For example, *.stock.# matches the routing keys usd.stock and euro.stock.db but not stock.nasdaq.

(there are also other exchange types, but these are not used by celery)

So, we create three queues, video, image and lowpri that bind to our tasks exchange. For the queues we use the following binding keys:

video: video.#
image: image.#
lowpri: misc.#

Now we can send our tasks to different worker machines, by making the workers listen to different queues:

>>> CompressVideoTask.apply_async(args=[filename],
...                               routing_key="video.compress")

>>> ImageRotateTask.apply_async(args=[filename, 360],
...                             routing_key="image.rotate")

>>> ImageCropTask.apply_async(args=[filename, selection],
...                           routing_key="image.crop")
>>> UpdateReccomendationsTask.apply_async(routing_key="misc.recommend")

Later, if the crop task is consuming a lot of resources, we can bind some new workers to handle just the "image.crop" task, by creating a new queue that binds to "image.crop”.

AMQP options

NOTE The mandatory and immediate flags are not supported by amqplib at this point.

  • mandatory

This sets the delivery to be mandatory. An exception will be raised if there are no running workers able to take on the task.

  • immediate

Request immediate delivery. Will raise an exception if the task cannot be routed to a worker immediately.

  • priority

A number between 0 and 9, where 0 is the highest priority. Note that RabbitMQ does not implement AMQP priorities, and maybe your broker does not either, consult your broker’s documentation for more information.

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