.. _guide-optimizing: ============ Optimizing ============ Introduction ============ The default configuration, like any good default, is full of compromises. It is not tweaked to be optimal for any single use case, but tries to find middle ground that works *well enough* for most situations. There are key optimizations to be done if your application is mainly processing lots of short tasks, and also if you have fewer but very long tasks. .. _optimizing-worker-settings: Worker Settings =============== .. _optimizing-prefetch-limit: Prefetch limit -------------- *Prefetch* is a term inherited from AMQP, and it is often misunderstood. The prefetch limit is a limit for how many tasks a worker can reserve in advance. If this is set to zero, the worker will keep consuming messages *ad infinitum*, not respecting that there may be other available worker nodes (that may be able to process them sooner), or that the messages may not fit in memory. The workers initial prefetch count is set by multiplying the :setting:`CELERYD_PREFETCH_MULTIPLIER` setting by the number of child worker processes. The default is 4 messages per child process. If you have many expensive tasks with a long duration you would want the multiplier value to be 1, which means it will only reserve one unacknowledged task per worker process at a time. However -- If you have lots of short tasks, and throughput/roundtrip latency is important to you, then you want this number to be large. Say 64, or 128 for example, as the worker is able to process a lot more tasks/s if the messages have already been prefetched in memory. You may have to experiment to find the best value. If you have a combination of both very long and short tasks, then the best option is to use two worker nodes that is configured individually, and route the tasks accordingly (see :ref:`guide-routing`). Scenario 1: Lots of short tasks =============================== .. code-block:: python CELERYD_PREFETCH_MULTIPLIER = 128 CELERY_DISABLE_RATE_LIMITS = True Scenario 2: Expensive tasks =========================== .. code-block:: python CELERYD_PREFETCH_MULTIPLIER = 1