.. _tut-otherqueues: ========================================================== Using Celery with Redis/Database as the messaging queue. ========================================================== .. contents:: :local: .. _otherqueues-redis: Redis ===== For the Redis support you have to install the Python redis client:: $ pip install -U redis .. _otherqueues-redis-conf: Configuration ------------- Configuration is easy, set the transport, and configure the location of your Redis database:: BROKER_BACKEND = "redis" BROKER_HOST = "localhost" # Maps to redis host. BROKER_PORT = 6379 # Maps to redis port. BROKER_VHOST = "0" # Maps to database number. Results ~~~~~~~ You probably also want to store results in Redis:: CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = "redis" REDIS_HOST = 6379 REDIS_PORT = 6379 REDIS_DB = 0 For a complete list of options supported by the Redis result backend see :ref:`conf-redis-result-backend` If you don't intend to consume results you should disable them:: CELERY_IGNORE_RESULT = True .. _otherqueues-sqlalchemy: SQLAlchemy ========== .. _otherqueues-sqlalchemy-conf: For the SQLAlchemy transport you have to install the `kombu-sqlalchemy` library:: $ pip install -U kombu-sqlalchemy Configuration ------------- This transport uses only the :setting:`BROKER_HOST` setting, which have to be an SQLAlchemy database URI. #. Set your broker transport:: BROKER_BACKEND = "sqlakombu.transport.Transport" #. Configure the database URI:: BROKER_HOST = "sqlite:///celerydb.sqlite" Please see `SQLAlchemy: Supported Databases`_ for a table of supported databases. Some other `SQLAlchemy Connection String`_, examples: .. code-block:: python # sqlite (filename) BROKER_HOST = "sqlite:///celerydb.sqlite" # mysql BROKER_HOST = "mysql://scott:tiger@localhost/foo" # postgresql BROKER_HOST = "postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/mydatabase" # oracle BROKER_HOST = "oracle://scott:tiger@" .. _`SQLAlchemy: Supported Databases`: http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/core/engines.html#supported-databases .. _`SQLAlchemy Connection String`: http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/core/engines.html#database-urls Results ~~~~~~~ To store results in the database as well, you should configure the result backend. See :ref:`conf-database-result-backend`. If you don't intend to consume results you should disable them:: CELERY_IGNORE_RESULT = True .. _otherqueues-django: Django Database =============== .. _otherqueues-django-conf: For the Django database transport support you have to install the `django-kombu` library:: $ pip install -U django-kombu Configuration ------------- The database backend uses the Django `DATABASE_*` settings for database configuration values. #. Set your broker transport:: BROKER_BACKEND = "djkombu.transport.DatabaseTransport" #. Add :mod:`djkombu` to `INSTALLED_APPS`:: INSTALLED_APPS = ("djkombu", ) #. Verify you database settings:: DATABASE_ENGINE = "mysql" DATABASE_NAME = "mydb" DATABASE_USER = "myuser" DATABASE_PASSWORD = "secret" The above is just an example, if you haven't configured your database before you should read the Django database settings reference: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.1/ref/settings/#database-engine #. Sync your database schema. $ python manage.py syncdb