This document describes an older version of Celery (2.2). For the latest stable version please go here.



-c, --concurrency

Number of child processes processing the queue. The default is the number of CPUs available on your system.

-f, --logfile

Path to log file. If no logfile is specified, stderr is used.

-l, --loglevel

Logging level, choose between DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, or FATAL.

-n, --hostname

Set custom hostname.

-B, --beat

Also run the celerybeat periodic task scheduler. Please note that there must only be one instance of this service.

-Q, --queues

List of queues to enable for this worker, separated by comma. By default all configured queues are enabled. Example: -Q video,image

-I, --include

Comma separated list of additional modules to import. Example: -I foo.tasks,bar.tasks

-s, --schedule

Path to the schedule database if running with the -B option. Defaults to celerybeat-schedule. The extension ”.db” will be appended to the filename.


Scheduler class to use. Default is celery.beat.PersistentScheduler

-E, --events

Send events that can be captured by monitors like celerymon.

--purge, --discard

Discard all waiting tasks before the daemon is started. WARNING: This is unrecoverable, and the tasks will be deleted from the messaging server.


Enables a hard time limit (in seconds) for tasks.


Enables a soft time limit (in seconds) for tasks.


Maximum number of tasks a pool worker can execute before it’s terminated and replaced by a new worker.

class celery.bin.celeryd.WorkerCommand(app=None, get_app=None)
enable_config_from_cmdline = True
namespace = 'celeryd'
run(*args, **kwargs)
supports_args = False

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