This document describes Celery 2.3. For development docs, go here.


class celery.worker.consumer.Consumer(ready_queue, eta_schedule, logger, init_callback=<function noop at 0x1383140>, send_events=False, hostname=None, initial_prefetch_count=2, pool=None, app=None, priority_timer=None, controller=None)

Listen for messages received from the broker and move them to the ready queue for task processing.


Method called by the timer to apply a task with an ETA/countdown.

broadcast_consumer = None

The consumer used to consume broadcast commands.


Closes the current broker connection and all open channels.

connection = None

The broker connection.


Consume messages forever (or until an exception is raised).

eta_schedule = None

Timer for tasks with an ETA/countdown.

event_dispatcher = None

A for sending events.

heart = None

The thread that sends event heartbeats at regular intervals. The heartbeats are used by monitors to detect that a worker went off-line/disappeared.

hostname = None

The current hostname. Defaults to the system hostname.


Returns information about this consumer instance as a dict.

This is also the consumer related info returned by celeryctl stats.

init_callback = None

Optional callback to be called when the connection is established. Will only be called once, even if the connection is lost and re-established.

initial_prefetch_count = 0

Initial QoS prefetch count for the task channel.

logger = None

The logger instance to use. Defaults to the default Celery logger.


Applies function but ignores any connection or channel errors raised.

on_control(body, message)

Process remote control command message.

on_decode_error(message, exc)

Callback called if an error occurs while decoding a message received.

Simply logs the error and acknowledges the message so it doesn’t enter a loop.

  • message – The message with errors.
  • exc – The original exception instance.

Handle received task.

If the task has an eta we enter it into the ETA schedule, otherwise we move it the ready queue for immediate processing.

pidbox_node = None

The process mailbox (kombu pidbox node).

pool = None

The current worker pool instance.

priority_timer = None

A timer used for high-priority internal tasks, such as sending heartbeats.

ready_queue = None

The queue that holds tasks ready for immediate processing.

receive_message(body, message)

Handles incoming messages.

  • body – The message body.
  • message – The kombu message object.

Re-establish the broker connection and set up consumers, heartbeat and the event dispatcher.


Sets up the process mailbox.


Restart the heartbeat thread.

This thread sends heartbeat events at intervals so monitors can tell if the worker is off-line/missing.

send_events = False

Enable/disable events.


Start the consumer.

Automatically survives intermittent connection failure, and will retry establishing the connection and restart consuming messages.


Stop consuming.

Does not close the broker connection, so be sure to call close_connection() when you are finished with it.


Stop consuming tasks and broadcast commands, also stops the heartbeat thread and event dispatcher.

Parameters:close_connection – Set to False to skip closing the broker connection.
task_consumer = None

The consumer used to consume task messages.

celery.worker.consumer.INVALID_TASK_ERROR = 'Received invalid task message: %s\nThe message has been ignored and discarded.\n\nPlease ensure your message conforms to the task\nmessage protocol as described here:\n\nThe full contents of the message body was:\n%s\n'

Error message for when an invalid task message is received.

celery.worker.consumer.PREFETCH_COUNT_MAX = 65535

Prefetch count can’t exceed short.

class celery.worker.consumer.QoS(consumer, initial_value, logger)

Quality of Service for Channel.

For thread-safe increment/decrement of a channels prefetch count value.

  • consumer – A kombu.messaging.Consumer instance.
  • initial_value – Initial prefetch count value.
  • logger – Logger used to log debug messages.

Decrement the current prefetch count value by n.


Decrement the value, but do not update the qos.

The MainThread will be responsible for calling update() when necessary.


Increment the current prefetch count value by n.

prev = None

Set channel prefetch_count setting.


Update prefetch count with current value.

celery.worker.consumer.UNKNOWN_TASK_ERROR = 'Received unregistered task of type %s.\nThe message has been ignored and discarded.\n\nDid you remember to import the module containing this task?\nOr maybe you are using relative imports?\nPlease see for more information.\n\nThe full contents of the message body was:\n%s\n'

Error message for when an unregistered task is received.

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