This document describes Celery 2.3. For development docs, go here.



# Single worker with explicit name and events enabled.
$ celeryd-multi start Leslie -E

# Pidfiles and logfiles are stored in the current directory
# by default.  Use --pidfile and --logfile argument to change
# this.  The abbreviation %n will be expanded to the current
# node name.
$ celeryd-multi start Leslie -E --pidfile=/var/run/celery/

# You need to add the same arguments when you restart,
# as these are not persisted anywhere.
$ celeryd-multi restart Leslie -E --pidfile=/var/run/celery/

# To stop the node, you need to specify the same pidfile.
$ celeryd-multi stop Leslie --pidfile=/var/run/celery/

# 3 workers, with 3 processes each
$ celeryd-multi start 3 -c 3
celeryd -n celeryd1.myhost -c 3
celeryd -n celeryd2.myhost -c 3
celeryd- n celeryd3.myhost -c 3

# start 3 named workers
$ celeryd-multi start image video data -c 3
celeryd -n image.myhost -c 3
celeryd -n video.myhost -c 3
celeryd -n data.myhost -c 3

# specify custom hostname
$ celeryd-multi start 2 -n -c 3
celeryd -n -c 3
celeryd -n -c 3

# Advanced example starting 10 workers in the background:
#   * Three of the workers processes the images and video queue
#   * Two of the workers processes the data queue with loglevel DEBUG
#   * the rest processes the default' queue.
$ celeryd-multi start 10 -l INFO -Q:1-3 images,video -Q:4,5:data
    -Q default -L:4,5 DEBUG

# You can show the commands necessary to start the workers with
# the "show" command:
$ celeryd-multi show 10 -l INFO -Q:1-3 images,video -Q:4,5:data
    -Q default -L:4,5 DEBUG

# Additional options are added to each celeryd',
# but you can also modify the options for ranges of, or specific workers

# 3 workers: Two with 3 processes, and one with 10 processes.
$ celeryd-multi start 3 -c 3 -c:1 10
celeryd -n celeryd1.myhost -c 10
celeryd -n celeryd2.myhost -c 3
celeryd -n celeryd3.myhost -c 3

# can also specify options for named workers
$ celeryd-multi start image video data -c 3 -c:image 10
celeryd -n image.myhost -c 10
celeryd -n video.myhost -c 3
celeryd -n data.myhost -c 3

# ranges and lists of workers in options is also allowed:
# (-c:1-3 can also be written as -c:1,2,3)
$ celeryd-multi start 5 -c 3  -c:1-3 10
celeryd -n celeryd1.myhost -c 10
celeryd -n celeryd2.myhost -c 10
celeryd -n celeryd3.myhost -c 10
celeryd -n celeryd4.myhost -c 3
celeryd -n celeryd5.myhost -c 3

# lists also works with named workers
$ celeryd-multi start foo bar baz xuzzy -c 3 -c:foo,bar,baz 10
celeryd -n foo.myhost -c 10
celeryd -n bar.myhost -c 10
celeryd -n baz.myhost -c 10
celeryd -n xuzzy.myhost -c 3
class celery.bin.celeryd_multi.MultiTool(env=None)
execute_from_commandline(argv, cmd='celeryd')
expand(argv, cmd=None)
get(argv, cmd)
getpids(p, cmd, callback=None)
help(argv, cmd=None)
info(msg, newline=True)
kill(argv, cmd)
names(argv, cmd)
note(msg, newline=True)
restart(argv, cmd)
retcode = 0
show(argv, cmd)
shutdown_nodes(nodes, sig=15, retry=None, callback=None)
signal_node(nodename, pid, sig)
start(argv, cmd)
stop(argv, cmd)
waitexec(argv, path='/home/docs/checkouts/')
class celery.bin.celeryd_multi.NamespacedOptionParser(args)
add_option(name, value, short=False, ns=None)
optmerge(ns, defaults=None)
process_long_opt(arg, value=None)
process_short_opt(arg, value=None)
celery.bin.celeryd_multi.findsig(args, default=15)
celery.bin.celeryd_multi.format_opt(opt, value)
celery.bin.celeryd_multi.multi_args(p, cmd='celeryd', append='', prefix='', suffix='')
celery.bin.celeryd_multi.parse_ns_range(ns, ranges=False)
celery.bin.celeryd_multi.say(m, newline=True)

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