.. _guide-webhooks: ================================ HTTP Callback Tasks (Webhooks) ================================ .. module:: celery.task.http .. contents:: :local: .. _webhook-basics: Basics ====== If you need to call into another language, framework or similar, you can do so by using HTTP callback tasks. The HTTP callback tasks uses GET/POST data to pass arguments and returns result as a JSON response. The scheme to call a task is:: GET http://example.com/mytask/?arg1=a&arg2=b&arg3=c or using POST:: POST http://example.com/mytask .. note:: POST data needs to be form encoded. Whether to use GET or POST is up to you and your requirements. The web page should then return a response in the following format if the execution was successful:: {"status": "success", "retval": ....} or if there was an error:: {"status": "failure": "reason": "Invalid moon alignment."} .. _webhook-django-example: Django webhook example ====================== With this information you could define a simple task in Django: .. code-block:: python from django.http import HttpResponse from anyjson import serialize def multiply(request): x = int(request.GET["x"]) y = int(request.GET["y"]) result = x * y response = {"status": "success", "retval": result} return HttpResponse(serialize(response), mimetype="application/json") .. _webhook-rails-example: Ruby on Rails webhook example ============================= or in Ruby on Rails: .. code-block:: ruby def multiply @x = params[:x].to_i @y = params[:y].to_i @status = {:status => "success", :retval => @x * @y} render :json => @status end You can easily port this scheme to any language/framework; new examples and libraries are very welcome. .. _webhook-executing: Executing webhook tasks ======================= To execute the task you use the :class:`URL` class: >>> from celery.task.http import URL >>> res = URL("http://example.com/multiply").get_async(x=10, y=10) :class:`URL` is a shortcut to the :class:`HttpDispatchTask`. You can subclass this to extend the functionality. >>> from celery.task.http import HttpDispatchTask >>> res = HttpDispatchTask.delay(url="http://example.com/multiply", method="GET", x=10, y=10) >>> res.get() 100 The output of :program:`celeryd` (or the log file if enabled) should show the task being executed:: [INFO/MainProcess] Task celery.task.http.HttpDispatchTask [f2cc8efc-2a14-40cd-85ad-f1c77c94beeb] processed: 100 Since applying tasks can be done via HTTP using the :func:`djcelery.views.apply` view, executing tasks from other languages is easy. For an example service exposing tasks via HTTP you should have a look at `examples/celery_http_gateway` in the Celery distribution: http://github.com/ask/celery/tree/master/examples/celery_http_gateway/