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Amazon SQS Transport - kombu.transport.SQS

Amazon SQS Transport.

Amazon SQS transport module for Kombu. This package implements an AMQP-like interface on top of Amazons SQS service, with the goal of being optimized for high performance and reliability.

The default settings for this module are focused now on high performance in task queue situations where tasks are small, idempotent and run very fast.

SQS Features supported by this transport:
Long Polling:

Long polling is enabled by setting the wait_time_seconds transport option to a number > 1. Amazon supports up to 20 seconds. This is enabled with 10 seconds by default.

Batch API Actions:

The default behavior of the SQS Channel.drain_events() method is to request up to the ‘prefetch_count’ messages on every request to SQS. These messages are stored locally in a deque object and passed back to the Transport until the deque is empty, before triggering a new API call to Amazon.

This behavior dramatically speeds up the rate that you can pull tasks from SQS when you have short-running tasks (or a large number of workers).

When a Celery worker has multiple queues to monitor, it will pull down up to ‘prefetch_count’ messages from queueA and work on them all before moving on to queueB. If queueB is empty, it will wait up until ‘polling_interval’ expires before moving back and checking on queueA.


class kombu.transport.SQS.Transport(client, **kwargs)[source]

SQS Transport.

Additional queue attributes can be supplied to SQS during queue creation by passing an sqs-creation-attributes key in transport_options. sqs-creation-attributes must be a dict whose key-value pairs correspond with Attributes in the CreateQueue SQS API.

For example, to have SQS queues created with server-side encryption enabled using the default Amazon Managed Customer Master Key, you can set KmsMasterKeyId Attribute. When the queue is initially created by Kombu, encryption will be enabled.

from kombu.transport.SQS import Transport

transport = Transport(
        'sqs-creation-attributes': {
            'KmsMasterKeyId': 'alias/aws/sqs',
class Channel(*args, **kwargs)

SQS Channel.

property asynsqs
basic_ack(delivery_tag, multiple=False)

Acknowledge message.


Cancel consumer by consumer tag.

basic_consume(queue, no_ack, *args, **kwargs)

Consume from queue.


Close channel.

Cancel all consumers, and requeue unacked messages.

property conninfo
default_region = 'us-east-1'
default_visibility_timeout = 1800
default_wait_time_seconds = 10
domain_format = 'kombu%(vhost)s'
drain_events(timeout=None, callback=None, **kwargs)

Return a single payload message from one of our queues.


Queue.Empty – if no messages available.

entity_name(name, table={33: 95, 34: 95, 35: 95, 36: 95, 37: 95, 38: 95, 39: 95, 40: 95, 41: 95, 42: 95, 43: 95, 44: 95, 46: 45, 47: 95, 58: 95, 59: 95, 60: 95, 61: 95, 62: 95, 63: 95, 64: 95, 91: 95, 92: 95, 93: 95, 94: 95, 96: 95, 123: 95, 124: 95, 125: 95, 126: 95})

Format AMQP queue name into a legal SQS queue name.

property sqs
property transport_options
channel_errors = (<class 'amqp.exceptions.ChannelError'>, <class ''>)
connection_errors = (<class 'amqp.exceptions.ConnectionError'>, <class ''>, <class 'OSError'>)
property default_connection_params
default_port = None
driver_name = 'sqs'
driver_type = 'sqs'
implements = {'asynchronous': True, 'exchange_type': frozenset({'direct'}), 'heartbeats': False}
polling_interval = 1
wait_time_seconds = 0


class kombu.transport.SQS.Channel(*args, **kwargs)[source]

SQS Channel.

property asynsqs
basic_ack(delivery_tag, multiple=False)[source]

Acknowledge message.


Cancel consumer by consumer tag.

basic_consume(queue, no_ack, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Consume from queue.


Close channel.

Cancel all consumers, and requeue unacked messages.

property conninfo
default_region = 'us-east-1'
default_visibility_timeout = 1800
default_wait_time_seconds = 10
domain_format = 'kombu%(vhost)s'
drain_events(timeout=None, callback=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return a single payload message from one of our queues.


Queue.Empty – if no messages available.

entity_name(name, table={33: 95, 34: 95, 35: 95, 36: 95, 37: 95, 38: 95, 39: 95, 40: 95, 41: 95, 42: 95, 43: 95, 44: 95, 46: 45, 47: 95, 58: 95, 59: 95, 60: 95, 61: 95, 62: 95, 63: 95, 64: 95, 91: 95, 92: 95, 93: 95, 94: 95, 96: 95, 123: 95, 124: 95, 125: 95, 126: 95})[source]

Format AMQP queue name into a legal SQS queue name.

property sqs
property transport_options