This document is for Kombu's development version, which can be significantly different from previous releases. Get the stable docs here: 4.5.

Source code for kombu.common

"""Common Utilities."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

import os
import socket
import threading

from collections import deque
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import partial
from itertools import count
from uuid import uuid5, uuid4, uuid3, NAMESPACE_OID

from amqp import ChannelError, RecoverableConnectionError

from .entity import Exchange, Queue
from .five import bytes_if_py2, range
from .log import get_logger
from .serialization import registry as serializers
from .utils.uuid import uuid

    from _thread import get_ident
except ImportError:                             # pragma: no cover
    try:                                        # noqa
        from thread import get_ident            # noqa
    except ImportError:                         # pragma: no cover
        from dummy_thread import get_ident      # noqa

__all__ = ('Broadcast', 'maybe_declare', 'uuid',
           'itermessages', 'send_reply',
           'collect_replies', 'insured', 'drain_consumer',

#: Prefetch count can't exceed short.

logger = get_logger(__name__)

_node_id = None

def get_node_id():
    global _node_id
    if _node_id is None:
        _node_id = uuid4().int
    return _node_id

def generate_oid(node_id, process_id, thread_id, instance):
    ent = bytes_if_py2('%x-%x-%x-%x' % (
        node_id, process_id, thread_id, id(instance)))
        ret = str(uuid3(NAMESPACE_OID, ent))
    except ValueError:
        ret = str(uuid5(NAMESPACE_OID, ent))
    return ret

def oid_from(instance, threads=True):
    return generate_oid(
        get_ident() if threads else 0,

[docs]class Broadcast(Queue): """Broadcast queue. Convenience class used to define broadcast queues. Every queue instance will have a unique name, and both the queue and exchange is configured with auto deletion. Arguments: name (str): This is used as the name of the exchange. queue (str): By default a unique id is used for the queue name for every consumer. You can specify a custom queue name here. unique (bool): Always create a unique queue even if a queue name is supplied. **kwargs (Any): See :class:`~kombu.Queue` for a list of additional keyword arguments supported. """ attrs = Queue.attrs + (('queue', None),) def __init__(self, name=None, queue=None, unique=False, auto_delete=True, exchange=None, alias=None, **kwargs): if unique: queue = '{0}.{1}'.format(queue or 'bcast', uuid()) else: queue = queue or 'bcast.{0}'.format(uuid()) super(Broadcast, self).__init__( alias=alias or name, queue=queue, name=queue, auto_delete=auto_delete, exchange=(exchange if exchange is not None else Exchange(name, type='fanout')), **kwargs )
def declaration_cached(entity, channel): return entity in channel.connection.client.declared_entities
[docs]def maybe_declare(entity, channel=None, retry=False, **retry_policy): """Declare entity (cached).""" if retry: return _imaybe_declare(entity, channel, **retry_policy) return _maybe_declare(entity, channel)
def _ensure_channel_is_bound(entity, channel): """Make sure the channel is bound to the entity. :param entity: generic kombu nomenclature, generally an exchange or queue :param channel: channel to bind to the entity :return: the updated entity """ is_bound = entity.is_bound if not is_bound: if not channel: raise ChannelError( "Cannot bind channel {} to entity {}".format(channel, entity)) entity = entity.bind(channel) return entity def _maybe_declare(entity, channel): # _maybe_declare sets name on original for autogen queues orig = entity _ensure_channel_is_bound(entity, channel) if channel is None: if not entity.is_bound: raise ChannelError( "channel is None and entity {} not bound.".format(entity)) channel = declared = ident = None if channel.connection and entity.can_cache_declaration: declared = channel.connection.client.declared_entities ident = hash(entity) if ident in declared: return False if not channel.connection: raise RecoverableConnectionError('channel disconnected') entity.declare(channel=channel) if declared is not None and ident: declared.add(ident) if orig is not None: = return True def _imaybe_declare(entity, channel, **retry_policy): _ensure_channel_is_bound(entity, channel) if not raise RecoverableConnectionError('channel disconnected') return entity, _maybe_declare, **retry_policy)(entity, channel)
[docs]def drain_consumer(consumer, limit=1, timeout=None, callbacks=None): """Drain messages from consumer instance.""" acc = deque() def on_message(body, message): acc.append((body, message)) consumer.callbacks = [on_message] + (callbacks or []) with consumer: for _ in eventloop(, limit=limit, timeout=timeout, ignore_timeouts=True): try: yield acc.popleft() except IndexError: pass
[docs]def itermessages(conn, channel, queue, limit=1, timeout=None, callbacks=None, **kwargs): """Iterator over messages.""" return drain_consumer( conn.Consumer(queues=[queue], channel=channel, **kwargs), limit=limit, timeout=timeout, callbacks=callbacks, )
[docs]def eventloop(conn, limit=None, timeout=None, ignore_timeouts=False): """Best practice generator wrapper around ``Connection.drain_events``. Able to drain events forever, with a limit, and optionally ignoring timeout errors (a timeout of 1 is often used in environments where the socket can get "stuck", and is a best practice for Kombu consumers). ``eventloop`` is a generator. Examples: >>> from kombu.common import eventloop >>> def run(conn): ... it = eventloop(conn, timeout=1, ignore_timeouts=True) ... next(it) # one event consumed, or timed out. ... ... for _ in eventloop(conn, timeout=1, ignore_timeouts=True): ... pass # loop forever. It also takes an optional limit parameter, and timeout errors are propagated by default:: for _ in eventloop(connection, limit=1, timeout=1): pass See Also: :func:`itermessages`, which is an event loop bound to one or more consumers, that yields any messages received. """ for i in limit and range(limit) or count(): try: yield conn.drain_events(timeout=timeout) except socket.timeout: if timeout and not ignore_timeouts: # pragma: no cover raise
[docs]def send_reply(exchange, req, msg, producer=None, retry=False, retry_policy=None, **props): """Send reply for request. Arguments: exchange (kombu.Exchange, str): Reply exchange req (~kombu.Message): Original request, a message with a ``reply_to`` property. producer (kombu.Producer): Producer instance retry (bool): If true must retry according to the ``reply_policy`` argument. retry_policy (Dict): Retry settings. **props (Any): Extra properties. """ return producer.publish( msg, exchange=exchange, retry=retry, retry_policy=retry_policy, **dict({'routing_key':['reply_to'], 'correlation_id':'correlation_id'), 'serializer': serializers.type_to_name[req.content_type], 'content_encoding': req.content_encoding}, **props) )
[docs]def collect_replies(conn, channel, queue, *args, **kwargs): """Generator collecting replies from ``queue``.""" no_ack = kwargs.setdefault('no_ack', True) received = False try: for body, message in itermessages(conn, channel, queue, *args, **kwargs): if not no_ack: message.ack() received = True yield body finally: if received: channel.after_reply_message_received(
def _ensure_errback(exc, interval): logger.error( 'Connection error: %r. Retry in %ss\n', exc, interval, exc_info=True, ) @contextmanager def _ignore_errors(conn): try: yield except conn.connection_errors + conn.channel_errors: pass def ignore_errors(conn, fun=None, *args, **kwargs): """Ignore connection and channel errors. The first argument must be a connection object, or any other object with ``connection_error`` and ``channel_error`` attributes. Can be used as a function: .. code-block:: python def example(connection): ignore_errors(connection, or as a context manager: .. code-block:: python def example(connection): with ignore_errors(connection): Note: Connection and channel errors should be properly handled, and not ignored. Using this function is only acceptable in a cleanup phase, like when a connection is lost or at shutdown. """ if fun: with _ignore_errors(conn): return fun(*args, **kwargs) return _ignore_errors(conn) def revive_connection(connection, channel, on_revive=None): if on_revive: on_revive(channel)
[docs]def insured(pool, fun, args, kwargs, errback=None, on_revive=None, **opts): """Function wrapper to handle connection errors. Ensures function performing broker commands completes despite intermittent connection failures. """ errback = errback or _ensure_errback with pool.acquire(block=True) as conn: conn.ensure_connection(errback=errback) # we cache the channel for subsequent calls, this has to be # reset on revival. channel = conn.default_channel revive = partial(revive_connection, conn, on_revive=on_revive) insured = conn.autoretry(fun, channel, errback=errback, on_revive=revive, **opts) retval, _ = insured(*args, **dict(kwargs, connection=conn)) return retval
class QoS(object): """Thread safe increment/decrement of a channels prefetch_count. Arguments: callback (Callable): Function used to set new prefetch count, e.g. ``consumer.qos`` or ``channel.basic_qos``. Will be called with a single ``prefetch_count`` keyword argument. initial_value (int): Initial prefetch count value.. Example: >>> from kombu import Consumer, Connection >>> connection = Connection('amqp://') >>> consumer = Consumer(connection) >>> qos = QoS(consumer.qos, initial_prefetch_count=2) >>> qos.update() # set initial >>> qos.value 2 >>> def in_some_thread(): ... qos.increment_eventually() >>> def in_some_other_thread(): ... qos.decrement_eventually() >>> while 1: ... if qos.prev != qos.value: ... qos.update() # prefetch changed so update. It can be used with any function supporting a ``prefetch_count`` keyword argument:: >>> channel = >>> QoS(channel.basic_qos, 10) >>> def set_qos(prefetch_count): ... print('prefetch count now: %r' % (prefetch_count,)) >>> QoS(set_qos, 10) """ prev = None def __init__(self, callback, initial_value): self.callback = callback self._mutex = threading.RLock() self.value = initial_value or 0 def increment_eventually(self, n=1): """Increment the value, but do not update the channels QoS. Note: The MainThread will be responsible for calling :meth:`update` when necessary. """ with self._mutex: if self.value: self.value = self.value + max(n, 0) return self.value def decrement_eventually(self, n=1): """Decrement the value, but do not update the channels QoS. Note: The MainThread will be responsible for calling :meth:`update` when necessary. """ with self._mutex: if self.value: self.value -= n if self.value < 1: self.value = 1 return self.value def set(self, pcount): """Set channel prefetch_count setting.""" if pcount != self.prev: new_value = pcount if pcount > PREFETCH_COUNT_MAX: logger.warning('QoS: Disabled: prefetch_count exceeds %r', PREFETCH_COUNT_MAX) new_value = 0 logger.debug('basic.qos: prefetch_count->%s', new_value) self.callback(prefetch_count=new_value) self.prev = pcount return pcount def update(self): """Update prefetch count with current value.""" with self._mutex: return self.set(self.value)