This document describes the current stable version of Kombu (5.0). For development docs, go here.

SLMQ Transport - kombu.transport.SLMQ

SoftLayer Message Queue transport.


class kombu.transport.SLMQ.Transport(client, **kwargs)[source]

SLMQ Transport.

class Channel(*args, **kwargs)

SLMQ Channel.


Acknowledge message.


Cancel consumer by consumer tag.

basic_consume(queue, no_ack, *args, **kwargs)

Consume from queue.

property conninfo
default_visibility_timeout = 1800
delete_message(queue, message_id)
domain_format = 'kombu%(vhost)s'
entity_name(name, table={33: 95, 34: 95, 35: 95, 36: 95, 37: 95, 38: 95, 39: 95, 40: 95, 41: 95, 42: 95, 43: 95, 44: 95, 45: 95, 46: 95, 47: 95, 58: 95, 59: 95, 60: 95, 61: 95, 62: 95, 63: 95, 64: 95, 91: 95, 92: 95, 93: 95, 94: 95, 96: 95, 123: 95, 124: 95, 125: 95, 126: 95})

Format AMQP queue name into a valid SLQS queue name.

property slmq
property transport_options
connection_errors = (<class 'amqp.exceptions.ConnectionError'>, None, <class 'OSError'>)
default_port = None
polling_interval = 1


class kombu.transport.SLMQ.Channel(*args, **kwargs)[source]

SLMQ Channel.


Acknowledge message.


Cancel consumer by consumer tag.

basic_consume(queue, no_ack, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Consume from queue.

property conninfo
default_visibility_timeout = 1800
delete_message(queue, message_id)[source]
domain_format = 'kombu%(vhost)s'
entity_name(name, table={33: 95, 34: 95, 35: 95, 36: 95, 37: 95, 38: 95, 39: 95, 40: 95, 41: 95, 42: 95, 43: 95, 44: 95, 45: 95, 46: 95, 47: 95, 58: 95, 59: 95, 60: 95, 61: 95, 62: 95, 63: 95, 64: 95, 91: 95, 92: 95, 93: 95, 94: 95, 96: 95, 123: 95, 124: 95, 125: 95, 126: 95})[source]

Format AMQP queue name into a valid SLQS queue name.

property slmq
property transport_options